Monday, September 23, 2024

"And that's the Gospel Truth!" 🎵

Hei alle sammen!

Hallelujah! What a beautiful, cloudy, cold day! After church yesterday we visited a pentecostal church and it was quite the experience 😅 but so fun! It was amazing to see that even though not everyone worships the same way, we all can still be united in Christ :). With that said, let's give a hallelujah and get started with the week! :)

- FALL! I LOVE FALL! This week has definitely started to get a little bit more chill and the trees are really turning colors and I just love fall! At this point, I'm just trying to enjoy it because before we know it's going to be snowing, haha.

- Exchanges with Bodø sisters! Yep we got to have Søster Washburn and Søster Fischer here in Trondheim this week and it was so fun! I got to be with Søster Fischer and it was just so much fun! We had a lesson with one of our friends that got baptized a couple weeks ago and it was so good! We read a chapter in the Book of Mormon and it has just been so amazing to see how much our friend has progressed in just the last month :). We also got to have Bible study with our new senior couple, Eldste and Søster Purcell, which was awesome! Søster Fischer is just awesome and it was so fun spending the day with her:).

- Guess what! We had another baptism on Saturday! A little boy in the ward got baptized and also our friend (who is eight) also got baptized! She was so cute and so excited to get baptized and it was fun to see people there to support. Her parents aren't members but her and her mom have been meeting with the missionaries for a while. So it has been a little complicated, but let's just say there have been many prayers said and we're ready to see how this girl's desire to be baptized can help her family come closer to Christ as well :).

So this week I got to interact with a lot of people from different beliefs, at least more than usual. And it's just been interesting to see how different people choose to worship/believe in order to find peace. It's made me think a lot about how our Father in Heaven feels when He decides to let us go and experience life without a guarantee of whether or not we will find our way back to Him. Now, I am most certainly not a parent, but I can only imagine that that cannot be in any means easy. He knows the truth, He knows the way, and yet He can't make our decisions for us to bring us back safely. He loves us too much to force us into anything, but He also loves us too much to just leave us hanging. I read in 3 Nephi 7:18 and it says, "He had greater power than they for it were not possible that they could disbelieve his words." In today's world, truth is relative and basically just whatever you want, but what stuck out to me in this scripture was that THE one and only truth was so powerful they couldn't deny it. Without one truth we would be lost, but because of God and His plan, there is truth and hope and a way, and that is all through Jesus Christ. We may not always know the answers but we do know Christ and we can trust Him. Kjempe glad i dere! Hope you guys have a great week!

Kia Kaha and just keep swimming:)

- Søster Twede

Pday Hike

Pday Hike

Pday Hike

Språkkafé clean up team

Eimon's Baptism

In person District Council

Exchanges with Bodø

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