Monday, September 30, 2024

"Oooooh! We're half way there! Wooooh! Livin' on a prayer!" 🎵🙏🏻

 Heisann alle sammen! 

Hump day! Oh my goodness! It still feels like I'm a greenie, but here we are, we have officially hit 9 months this last week . Yeaaaah still trying to process that, but we'll get there :). Definitely quite the highlight when I got a video of my family dancing to Livin' on a Prayer by Bon Jovi though . Love you guys! Well, just like that time flies so let's not keep dilly dallying around and get going with the week!

- BAPTISM! Our friend got baptized this week! Woot woot! On Saturday we woke up to a nice chilly, rainy day which was quite comical because our friend chose to be baptized outside in the fjord haha. But with lots of faith and prayers the rain did stop for the baptism and we got to see a rainbow! It was such a beautiful day and it was so cool to see her get confirmed on Sunday as well:). She is just so cool and amazing! 

- Zone Conference! I don't know how long we took to plan it, but with many prayers it all turned out! It was great to see everybody and just spend time with the zone:). We also got to take exchanges with the Oslo STLs right after and it was so fun! I was with Søster Barker and we got to go door knocking which was actually super fun! We got talking to an older lady who showed us her garden and told us about her life which was amazing! She is incredible! 

Between the baptism, zone conference, and exchanges we stayed pretty busy this week. Through the week though I've thought more and more about how good people are. I know that as we look at news and media, it makes the world absolutely chaotic. But one of the blessings of not really having access to all that as a missionary is that I get to focus on the people around me. That woman we talked to while door knocking wasn't interested, but wished us luck and hoped that we would find someone that needed our message more than she needed it. We also ran into a guy who also wasn't interested, but expressed a lot of respect for what we do and said that everyone needs hope. A lady I sat next to on the plane was so happy and willing to pick up a ticket that someone had dropped on the ground. And the list goes on. It made me realize more of just how good people are. In Matthew 5:14 it says "Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid." Yes we are all human, BUT we are also spiritual sons and daughters of God. We were all born with the Light of Christ within us which means we all have the deep desire to do good. Yes, not everyone chooses good, but that doesn't mean we can't. It ain't rocket science to be able to brighten up someone's day. One day for me, it was just a hello and a wave from someone and I felt immediately better from a not so great day. As we strive to follow Christ's example we can help others feel His love and find hope because He is the source of all light and hope. 

I wish you guys a bright week no matter what happens! Glad i dere!

Kia Kaha and just keep swimming:)

- Søster Twede



Baptism-see the rainbow!

Zone Conference

Flight back from Oslo (first sign of snow)

Airport dinner

Elders left their phone, so naturally, we take photos on it!

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