Monday, September 16, 2024

"Corn, corn, corn, nothin' but corn" 🌽🦁

 Hei alle sammen! 

Hey y'all! Well we didn't exactly harvest a ton of corn, but we sure did get lots of potatoes! We got to help out at a member's farm again this week and it was so fun! They are just so cool and it is always so amazing to go to their farm and help them out. With that said, here's how the rest of the week went!

Beautiful view from the farm

Greetings from the cows while picking potatoes

So many potatoes

- GUESS WHAT! (Not chicken butt, Dad:) But lately we've been talking to one of our friends about baptism. She's said that she's wanted to get baptized, but wasn't sure about a couple things. So, at that point, we were just trying to figure out how to support her in building her testimony of Christ...then on Friday, we got a text and she said that she was ready to get baptized!! Woot woot! She then came to church and we were able to talk to her more about it and decided that she will be baptized on September 29th! Woot woot! Det skjer mirakler!

- Exchanges with Søster Matthews! It was so fun! They came here to Trondheim and we walked quite a bit in the rain haha:). But luckily, when the rain calmed down we got to go try and talk to some people on the street. We got talking to a guy who we invited to our bible study class. He couldn't come, but he did end up coming to church on Sunday so that was awesome!

Now looking at the week there were definitely a lot of miracles, but I will say it wasn't the easiest week. Sometimes when I write out these emails, I feel like they make it sound like it's all just sunshine and rainbows when it's not. If anything, when we are experiencing miracles is when Satan is going to be doing all he can to bring us down. There was definitely one day this week where my morale was not the greatest it's been and it was not fun. That 6:30am alarm was not exactly my best buddy, but then I was reading in Alma 36. The verse where Alma says that the joy he felt was as exceeding as his pain felt so real. Of course it's going to get hard. In the movie "League of their Own" Jimmy Dugan says, "It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great." Alma turned out to be one of the greatest prophets of all time and performed many miracles. Was it easy to get that point? I'm going to say no. BUT it was worth it. And the only way for us to get to that point and experience that exceeding joy is through Christ. He is the light, the hope, and the way.

Wish you guys all a great week! Glad i dere!Kia Kaha and just keep swimming:)

- Søster Twede 

Bowling with our friends

Golden hour as we walked to our lesson

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