Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Rest in peace Rudolf 🦌

 Hei alle sammen!

This week was definitely a busy one and sadly I don't have very much room to write about it all but these were some highlights!

- So we got to do some christian hip hop dance videos at a lesson with a bunch of eight and five year olds . Basically we're trying to prepare an eight year old girl for her baptism and the deal is we do their activity and then they will do our activity/lesson haha. Let's just say that those songs were stuck in our heads for a long, long time :).

- Norway is absolutely beautiful!! We got to help out a member on their farm this week picking berries. It was so fun! They are just an amazing family with a little boy who reminded me of my nephew Koa :). They have a cute little Norwegian house with the most beautiful view! It was just so fun visiting them!

- Now on Sunday, we had a member meal and we had reindeer! When they brought out the food, the husband turned to Søster Schnek and I and said that this reindeer was shot last week and it had a red nose .... Anyways, I will say that reindeer is very good and it was so fun to get to know the members!

- We also got to go do some service this week for a sweet old lady that needed help cleaning her house. She was so cute! She's not a member, but we got to talk to her about service and how important it is to just be kind to everyone around you:). One of my favorite things has been to just talk and listen to people from many different backgrounds and hear what they believe and what helps them today.

With that said, I read a talk this week by Elder Holland called "Songs Sung and Unsung". He quote the hymn, "There is Sunshine in My Soul Today", where is says,

"And Jesus listening can hear the songs I cannot sing."

He says that sometimes the happy moments are not always there and there are times where we can't sing songs of praise and joy. However, there is a reason why the songs of heaven are sung by a choir and not a solo. Yes, we all have different voices but when we all unite our voices through Christ, that is when we can help lift each other up. And even during the times where we can't sing, Christ helps us find a song of peace within our hearts. Hope you all have a great week! Glad i dere! 

Kia Kaha and just keep swimming:)

- Søster Twede 

Cabin/Restaurant at the top of our pday hike

Saturday Hiking Group

District Council stretches

Language study on the docks

Language study on the docks

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