Tuesday, August 13, 2024

"Again, again, again, again" 🏒

 Heisann alle sammen!

The fact that it is already Tuesday again is just scary! Time flies! But it was another crazy great week so here we go!

- Had a lesson with one of our friends who is so cool! We read a chapter from the Book of Mormon with her and then got talking about baptism! She wants to get baptized, but just wants to learn more about our church to feel more sure. So, we're just now working to help her learn all she can and are just super excited to see how things will go:).

- We got to visit a friend of ours that we have done service for in the past. She asked us why we don't drink tea or coffee or alcohol, etc. We continued to tell her about the Word of Wisdom and she thought that it was so cool! We then got on the topic of our relationship with God and let's just say we are hoping to now start teaching her officially :).

- On the other hand, we had kind of a crazy lesson with three people. They wanted to know more about what we believe and so we just let them ask questions and it was going pretty well until it started to less become our lesson and more of their lesson. It wasn't terrible, but at the end they asked us if we were to find out the church wasn't true if we would leave it. At that point, Søster Schneck was awesome and just gave her testimony and we are here to help others learn more about Christ. So, not the most ideal lesson but they did ask for a Book of Mormon and we left on good terms so I guess we do what we can. 

Now tomorrow we have zone conference and in preparation we've been thinking a lot about repetition. As missionary, I feel every day is different, but same at the same time. Things never go according to plan, but we do the same things (studies, talking with people, praying, waking up at 6:30, etc.) everyday. At times, in the midst of the chaos, those things we do every day start to feel very repetitious. It's starts to get tiring and sometimes it's really hard to build up the motivation and maybe even start to forget why I do it. With that said, there is a movie that my family and I love to watch, "Miracle". In it these boys are on the USA hockey and preparing for the Olympics during the cold war and there's a drill that they hated but their coach made them do A LOT. It wasn't til later in the movie that they realize why they did it. They were about to represent their country in the Olympics and they didn't just want to go and play a game, but bring hope and honor to their country. In Alma 43:9, it says how the Nephites were fighting to defend their land, families, rights, and faith. Yes, it's hard sometimes to do the small and simple things everyday but when we remember WHY, that is what makes the difference. Remember that it is through Christ that those small and simple things done again, again, and again... and again, are what give us hope and strength. 

Hope you guys have a great week! Glad i dere!

Kia Kaha and just keep swimming:)

- Søster Twede 

Cake from one of our friends

Flight to Oslo for Zone Conference

More cake

Flight to Oslo

Service Project

Picking berries

Waffles at sprakkafe

Sister Bjerkoe's Birthday

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