Wednesday, July 31, 2024

"I'm not dead yet, I think I'll go for a walk!" 👑

Hei alle sammen!

Well, this week was a doozy! We definitely got our steps in, hence the quote from Monty Python and the Holy Grail haha. But we had transfers and so now is the beginning of my adventures in Trondheim:).

- Well, before I left for Trondheim, Søster Washburn and I got to have a tea party with our next door neighbor, Mary Anita, and it was the cutest thing ever! She's not a member but such a sweet old lady from Sweden that lives in a little cottage. Så koselig!

Tea Party with Mary Anita

- In Trondheim, I met my new companion, Søster Schnek! She is so cool! We have gotten in so many steps just by walking around Trondheim! We also had a fun member meal with a lady who is almost 99! And she is still going strong! So that was fun to meet and get to know her:).

- Took a trip down to Oslo and got to see Søster Bell and Søster Gundersen! It was so fun seeing them and having a little mini reunion:). Also kind if weird being in Oslo again even though it had only been 6 weeks. Time is just weird on the mission.

- After our flight back to Trondheim getting delayed by 2 hours and then getting home late, we woke up the next day to take a 3 hour road trip to Namsos to help out a member move! So that was super fun and great to meet some more members!

This week I felt like my thoughts were kind of everywhere. But one of the things I studied was the Consecrated Missionary talk. I've read through it before but thought it would be good to refresh on it. When it talks about obedience it talks about not getting lazy and satisfied with mediocre. It reminded me of a hike that Søster Washburn and I went on where towards the end we were so tired and a part of me kind of wanted to stop because it felt like it was going on forever. The view where we were at was already beautiful and I would have been satisfied, but we decided to keep going. Let me tell you, the view at the summit was much better than the view from before. We were not only satisfied but had ultimate satisfaction. 

Sometimes the Lord asks us to do things that a lot of times we have no idea why and are most likely not going to be easy, but nevertheless they are worth it. However, we can't just do the bare minimum. If we are going to do something, then do it! When we decide to just keep going to the end and give our 100%, it's then that we are not only satisfied, but we can enjoy all the blessings that the Gospel of Jesus Christ brings and find true eternal joy. Is it going to be easy? At times will we want to stop? Yep, but... when was anything supposed to be easy? Through Christ we can climb any mountain and find joy in any situation. 

Glad i dere! Keep me updated on everything and hope you have a great week! 

Kia Kaha and just keep swimming:)

- Søster Twede 

Nidarosdomen in Trondheim



Hiking Group Adventures

Pretty Trondheim Bridge

The Bodø church building

Hiking Group Adventures with Søster Schnek

Saying Goodbye to Søster Washburn

Welcoming Søster Fischer to Bodø!

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