Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Returned to my home land...again ✈️

 Heia alle sammen!

Got to visit Oslo again this week! And it's most certainly not the last . With that said another crazy week so let's get started!

- Zone conference! Got to fly again this week to Oslo for zone conference! It was kind of crazy but everything turned out well. We got to play some sports and scavenger hunt around Oslo for pday and it was so great to see all the other missionaries again since it had been a little bit longer since our last zone conference. It was also so great to hear from everyone and learn from them in their presentations. All in all, zone conference was a great time :).

- We had another lesson with a little girl who is getting ready for baptism next month! We taught her a song about the Holy Ghost. It wasn't quite the Christian hip hop we'd been doing lately at their house, but who knows Søster Schneck and I could be future primary singing time teachers one day . 

- We also got to visit an inactive member yesterday which was awesome! We went with Søster Bjerkøe and it was just so good to meet this lady and hear about experiences she has had lately. That has definitely been one of my favorite parts of the mission, just listening to others and how they have been able to learn through experiences in their lives. Especially how those experiences have brought them closer to Christ.

During our visit with the member Søster Schneck shared a scripture that was so good. It was Mosiah 24:12-14 and it talks about the Lord's people going through afflictions and trials but how they are not alone. "Ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions." There are times in our lives where we may feel a little more distant from our Savior or it's hard to recognize His hand in our lives. Sometimes we may start to feel numb to the Spirit and forget that it's right with us. Sometimes we may forget that we were created by God himself. We are His living temples and He always dwells in His temples, especially when the winds and waves come. Christ is the foundation that keeps us still and allows us to find strength to endure no matter how long that may be. I know that it can get hard, but those are the times that Christ is with us the most. It's through Him that we can overcome anything and find peace and hope. 

Hope you all have a great week! Glad i dere! 

Kia Kaha and just keep swimming:)

- Søster Twede 

Zone Conference




Hiking Group View

Zone P-Day

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