Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Rise and Shout! The carbon monoxide is out! 🐾

Hei alle sammen!

I hit my six months last Wednesday! That blows my mind! Time flies and it's kind of scary. Well, this week was quite an iconic week in ways that still amaze me, so here's the rundown. 

- So this week we got a new mission president! It was really cool to hear from President and Søster Montague one last time. Kjempe glad i dere! We then got to meet President and Søster Updike and their family on Saturday and that was super fun! It's hard to say goodbye to the Montagues, but we're excited to get to know and work with the Updikes! I know that they have been called of God and that they will be awesome here in Norway:).

- Språkkafé was super fun this week! I got to talk with a lady from Scotland as we practiced Norwegian and she was so fun! There were times where we had no idea how to say some things but we just kind of laughed it off 😅.

- Friday at 5 am in the morning we were woken up to our carbon monoxide alarm going off. Yes, we are alive and well. Our lovely senior couple, the Merkleys, helped us out and it turns out the batteries were old in one of our alarms. But that morning we just got to hang out on our porch studying for our driver's licenses, fending off another cat that tried to get into our apartment, and eating breakfast. The sleep deprivation was not the greatest that day, but you know we got through 😁.

- This week we had a music program during our second hour of church which was super fun! We had a few of our friends there and Søster Washburn and I got to play a few musical numbers. I have just come to love playing more and more because I know it's a way that everyone, no matter who they are or where they're from, can feel the Spirit.

One of the hymns that we played in our little music program was one that a member requested and it was actually from the Swedish hymn book. It's called "En vänlig grönskas rika dräkt". After the meeting, I got talking to one of the members about it. He actually got emotional as he explained what the words meant and rightfully so. It talks about how beautiful the earth is in the summer, but how eventually all the worldy beauties wither away. " All flesh is hay, and the flower dies, and time all passes away; only the word of the Lord remains." Yes, things don't last when it comes to the world, but what does is Christ and His word. Because of Him we have eternal families, because of Him we have eternal hope, because of Him we have eternal peace, and because of Him we have eternal joy. I love you all and hope that you guys have a great week!

Kia Kaha and just keep swimming:)

- Søster Twede 

Carbon Monoxide Breakfast

Midnight Sun Hike #2

Midnight Sun Hike #2

Midnight Sun Hike #2

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Pday Exploring

Pday Exploring

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