Tuesday, June 25, 2024

"Aaaaa svenyaaaa...the circle of life!" 🌅

 Heisann alle sammen!

I honestly have no idea if that is the correct spelling for that song but hopefully you get the point 😂. Anyways, I got to see the midnight sun this week and it was so cool! It's sometimes crazy to think the sun never goes down here and a little bit interesting when your trying to sleep but we're just really grateful for blackout curtains and sleeping masks 😁. With that said let's get going for this week!

- This week we met up with one of our friends and had a lesson about the atonement of Jesus Christ and it was amazing! Her life has not been very easy lately, but the amount of faith she has in her Savior is amazing! We watched the Easter video and as we were talking about it afterwards she said how she would not have had the strength to endure all that she is if it wasn't for our Savior Jesus Christ. I honestly have no other words other than yes. That is true.

- Later that day, we had English class and game night which was super fun! Søster Washburn and I also got to play a musical number afterwards which was so cool! We played Gratitude by Brandon Lake (Søster Washburn on the violin, me on the piano) and the Spirit was very present. We had played that song for zone conference this week in Trondheim with two other missionaries as well. My awesome trainer Søster Bell on the viola and Elder Hancock on the guitar. That song is our mission president's favorite so it was really fun to play for zone conference:).

- Zone conference! Yes, we did just have zone conference three weeks ago, but we are getting a new mission president this week, so we had it earlier so we could say our last goodbyes to President and Søster Montague. So, zone conference was really good, but definitely a bittersweet! I have learned so very much from my mission president. He and his wife are truly amazing! It was really special to hear from them one last time and to listen to their powerful testimonies. They have truly been big examples to me of what it means to be disciples of Christ. Kjempe glad i dere!


Trip to IKEA

Zone Conference!

On that note, one of the things that President Montague has put a focus on in the mission is really coming to personally know the Savior and doing that by reading and studying stories of Jesus. So today I would like to share a story of Jesus that I have come to love. Many know the story of when Christ calmed the sea, when he spoke the words "Peace, be still." Before this, the apostles at the time were worried and terrified. They were probably asking, "Why is this happening?", "Are we going to make it?", and maybe even "How is He sleeping right now?" We do know that they did ask, "Master, carest thou not that we perish?" Now did Christ wake up all flustered and worried? Did He shake with fear and ask what was happening? No. He confidently and purposefully stood up and spoke to the winds and the waves and they heard his voice. They knew his voice and obeyed. Now, it's okay to recognize that the winds are strong and the waves are huge, but we can't let that make us forget how much bigger and stronger the power of Jesus Christ is. Even if the winds and waves continue, when we focus on Him and have confidence in Him, we find that peace and stillness.

Hope you guys have a great week! 

Kia Kaha and just keep swimming:)
- Søster Twede 

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