Tuesday, July 9, 2024

"Boot scootin' boogie!" 🤠🎵

 Howdy y'all!

Gratulerer med dagen America! One thing I never expected to do on my mission was teach the boot scootin' boogie line dance. They had an American night this week at a youth center and they asked us missionaries to help run it, since, of course, we are all Americans . With that said, let's get going on this week!

4th of July

- This week we got to go on splits with the Trondheim sisters! I was with Søster Barker and it was so fun! She is seriously just such an amazing missionary! We got to meet with a couple members and then also talked with a crazy guy who sold jewelry and tried to tell us that we were too young to be preaching about what we believe in. Street contacting is always an adventure .

Splits with Trondheim Sisters

- We had a lesson with one of our referrals this week over the phone and let's just say... I never thought I would have to pray for the gift of tongues for English, but here we are haha. Luckily, we made it through and managed to invite him to read the Book of Mormon!

- We had an awesome testimony meeting this week! The members here are absolutely amazing and one of them testified on baptism because his daughter had just gotten baptized a little while ago. One of our friends was there in church who has been taught for over a year heard his testimony and loved it! He talked about how baptism is the gateway to the covenant path and our friend really enjoyed listening to that. So, hopefully we can keep helping him feel more ready to be baptized :).

This week I also took the opportunity to share my testimony. Now one of the hymns that we had sung for church that day had a line that said that death opens the path to an eternal life. In a way I knew that, but this week it hit a little different. This week I had had a dream about my grandpa who passed away and the next day I came to miss him a little extra. Then, I was studying about charity and how Christ has continually shown his pure love for us and one of those was through paying the price we never could. If it weren't for Him, we would never be reunited with our loved ones forever. We would have that hope of seeing them again and finding that eternal joy. My favorite thing to teach as a missionary is the plan of salvation because it just amazes me every time how hopeful it is. And it's because of Christ. Because of Him, I know that all my family on both sides of the veil will be together again. I know that I will be with my Savior and Heavenly Father again. 

Hope you all have a great week! 

Glad i dere!

Kia Kaha and just keep swimming:)

- Søster Twede

Washburn says goodbye to her US license.


Me acting as a music stand!

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