Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Yoo hoo! Housekeeping! 🧹

 Heisann alle sammen!

Well this week we got to do lots of service because our new mission president came to Bodø! So we cleaned a member's house that they stayed at and the church. Plus, after all the other missionaries and President left, we cleaned some more. So, with that said, it was a fun week! Here's the rundown!

- Again, we got to meet President and Søster Updike! They are so cool! We showed them around Bodø and also had a taco party with them and the members, which was super fun:). We also met their kids which was awesome! It was very nice to get to know them some more and we are very excited to serve with them😁.

- Also we got to see my family friend, Ian! He was visiting Norway from England and was in Bodø for a day. So, it was super fun to visit with him. Thank you Ian! 

- So, super cool miracle this week! We went to go visit one of our friends who isn't super progressing. She doesn't speak norwegian and little english, so we are in the process of finding someone who can help translate our lessons. But, anyways we decided to prepare a simple lesson about prayer and right as we were about to leave, she said that she wanted to learn more about something but she couldn't remember the name. We found out that it was baptism! We said of course! Needless to say, miracles are always possible when it comes to Jesus :). 

- I also gave a talk in church this week, which was super fun 😁. I sas a little nervous because it was my first talk in norwegian and they told me I would have 10-15 min... yeah well they ended up having extra time so they gave me 20 min instead:). No worries our closing hymn was How Firm a Foundation (which has 7 verses). By the end my talk and singing all the verses, we finished right on time:).

In my talk this week, I shared a story about me and Søster Washburn of when we did our midnight sun hike. We had a great time, but on the way back we accidentally took a different trail and got a little lost. I got scared and worried even though I knew the trail lead back to where we began. Søster Washburn kept telling me that we could still see the Wood Hotel which was where we started our hike. Nevertheless, I was still nervous. When Christ calmed the storm, the disciples beforehand were very scared and worried. Why? They literally had Christ with them and He was quite the opposite of worried, hence why He was sleeping through the storm. But still they worried. Now, Søster Washburn and I did make it back to the Wood Hotel and Christ was able to calm the storm immediately. Sometimes it's easy to focus on the unfamiliarity of the trail or the size and strength of the winds and waves and forget the miracle of Christ's power. He suffered for a reason. He died for a reason. It was so we wouldn't have to be scared or worried when we wouldn't recognize the trail or the winds and waves would come. He is the light that gives us hope. It is through Jesus Christ that we can find that peace amidst the storms and find the path back to our heavenly home. 

Hope you all have a fun week! Glad i dere!

Kia Kaha and just keep swimming:)

- Søster Twede 

Norweigan Aviation Museum

Søster Washburn burnt the salmon

Pday Hike

Pday Hike

Pday Hike

I saw my first reindeer!

Pday Hike

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