Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Book is always better 📚

 Hei alle sammen!

What. A. Week. I'm convinced that that first week after I get home, I'm going to be bored out of my mind and not know what to do haha. But anyways, here's the rundown:

- Zone conference! It was awesome! We had zone p-day before zone conference which was super fun. Then we spiritually recharged the day after :). Our focus was on Embracing the Doctrine of Christ and I loved it! It was a good reminder of how important it is to just focus on the principles. It's really easy to get caught up in logistics, but when we focus on the simple truths of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, that's where we find clarity and strength.

Zone Conference

Zone P-Day

- Guess what! Marvin was baptized!! Yes, that's right! We had a baptism on Sunday! He is one of the Elder's friends and is just awesome:). He was baptized right before church and we had a bunch of members there and it was just a great day! Me and Søster Gundersen had the opportunity to talk with him earlier this week and you could tell that he was ready to get baptized. So we're super excited for him:).

Marvin's Baptism!

- Splits with the legend Søster Conde! We got to explore a new area of Oslo that we both had never been to, which was awesome! Then we got a little lost on public transportation, which was fun haha. All in all it was such a fun day and Søster Conde is just awesome! (Fun fact: she's my mission grandma :)

- Miracle in ukulele class yesterday! So we had to change locations from the institute building to the church building. So not a lot of people came (there was 5 including the teacher). BUT, my comp and I were talking with the teacher and turns out he's Christian and teaches Sunday school! So we invited him to church and he said he couldn't come this week, but will be there next week! Mirakler Skjer! And this is why we invite all to church :).

Now I'd like to back track a little to zone conference. One of my other big takeaways was the power of the Book of Mormon. I know that it is the word of God. It is the way for us to truly learn more about Jesus Christ and for us to have a relationship with Him. Growing up, my dad always showed so much excitement and passion for the Book of Mormon (still does:). He always encouraged us to read it and gain a testimony. Let me tell ya, it is true. The Book of Mormon holds an incomprehensible power that no other book has. It truly testifies and confirms that Jesus is the Christ. He is our Savior and it is through Him that we find strength to take one more step, say one more word, to breath one more prayer. I know that when we choose to learn about Christ through the Book of Mormon we can become rooted in Him. 

Love you all and hope you have a great week! 

Kia Kaha and just keep swimming:)

- Søster Twede

Overlook of Drammen

They take their Teslas very seriously!

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