Tuesday, June 11, 2024

"We have our heading, here we go!" ✈️

 Hei alle sammen!

Yep that's right! We had transfers this week and I'm heading off to the north! I'll will be in Bodø which was Søster Gundersen's last area and quite of few of the missionaries and a couple members here in Oslo have served there and they all say it is amazing! So I'm super excited and I'll will be with Søster Washburn! I've met her a couple times and her and Søster Gundersen grew up together so I've lots of amazing things about her and am so excited to be her companion:). Not going to lie, I'm really going to miss Oslo and all the people here. They are all so amazing and it has been so fun to serve here! But I'm excited to experience more of Norway and meet new people as well! So we're just a mix of emotions right now haha.

But here are the highlights of the week!

- Tuesday we met a guy in the library who recognized us as missionaries and wanted to talk. Initially, we were excited but within the first five minutes we soon realized that he was a little crazy and had a hard time trying to get out of the conversation. But luckily, a family from Utah was visiting Norway and saw us and said hi! So then we told the guy that we had to go because we had to go meet with the family and that was that . We then got to talk with this family which was super fun because their daughter had her mission call and was getting ready for her mission! 

- We got to go on another road trip to Moss to visit a family friend which was so fun! Thank you Eddie!

Visiting Eddie

- Språkkafé was awesome this week because we had it at the church building and weren't sure how many people were going to show up but the we had 30-40! We also got to do a little musical number for everyone afterwards and the spirit was so strong! 

- Splits with Søster Terry! She is just the best and we had so much fun on splits! There was one point where we realized neither of us had a sim card so that was lovely haha :). Then we couldn't get wifi so we got to do some fun street contacting! While we were walking we actually ran into one of our old friends so that was awesome! We also had taco night later in which we found a new friend who wants to learn more about Jesus Christ! Woot woot! 

With that said let's just say that everything happens for a reason. In the Book of Mormon, Nephi and his brothers were getting food and their bow broke. Was that hard? Yes. Was it quite inconvenient to the point of starvation? Yes. And do they wish it didn't happen? Absolutely. BUT, unlike Laman and Lemuel who decided (as Grandma Twede would say:) to just sit there with their teeth in their mouth, Nephi decided to see it as an opportunity to witness a miracle. He went and built a bow and by doing so, he built his faith and testimony. Trials are not necessarily inconveniences, but blessings and miracles in disguise and waiting to happen. If things were supposed to go according to plan, they would. But our plan is not always (maybe more than not:) what the Lord's plan is and that's okay because as long as we are willing to accept what His plan is, we will see unlimited miracles. 

Hope you guys have a great week! 

Kia Kaha and just keep swimming:)

- Søster Twede 

Moss Scenery

Road Trip

Museum Trip

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