Tuesday, May 28, 2024

"[Søster] Twede, the chickens are organized" 🐓

 Hei alle sammen! 

I don't know who here has seen "Chicken Run", but apparently my lovely comp, Søster Gundersen, thinks of this line in the movie every time she says my name. But this week has been a pretty good week, so let's get going :).

- We got to do some ministering with a member this week who is absolutely amazing! She's from Chile but served her mission in Norway and is just the best! 

- We had a hike this week for those that come to our språkkafé and any of our friends which was super fun! My comp got talking to a guy from Russia for a while and taught him a lot about the gospel. She asked if he would be interested in learning more and he said maybe and we were able to get his number,  woot woot! (He didn't necessarily say "no" so we're taking it as a win:).

- We also had a painting class this week where one of our friends came and we ended up having a really good conversation with her. Her boyfriend is a member so she was asking more about what we do as missionaries and also the church. We got to talk to her about the Book of Mormon. She said she had one and wanted to read it, so I asked her if she would want to meet up to read it sometime and she said yes! Mirakler skjer:)

All in all, it was a pretty good week! It is still crazy busy here in Oslo and sometimes I wonder how things turn out, but then I remember that this is the Lord's work and He's got our back always:).

Which leads into what I would like to share with you guys today. Tomorrow we have Zone Conference and so I wanted to share one of my takeaways of this transfer (also I can not believe we are already almost done with this transfer! Time flies). In Luke 15:4-7 Christ talks about the shepherd who goes and looks for the one sheep who lost their way and when He comes back everyone rejoices. It says, "I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance." It's the one He cares about. Yes, at times it would be nice to think of us getting a lot of baptisms here in Norway, which I'm saying is a bad thing but I just live how Christ just always focused on the one. In the hymn, Prayer is the Soul's Sincere Desire, is says, 

"Prayer is the contrite sinner’s voice, Returning from his ways, While angels in their songs rejoice And cry, 'Behold, he prays!' "

Christ did everything He could to bring the one back and He continues to do everything He can to bring back the one. The way back may seem daunting but know that He and all His angels will rejoice upon your arrival.Love you guys tons and hope you have a great week!

Kia Kaha and just keep swimming:)

- Søster Twede

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