Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Vi elsker dette landet!!

 Gratulerer med dagen!!

So this week was awesome because... we had 17. mai!! The 17th of May is when Norway celebrates their constitution and let's just say that Norwegians are very proud of their country because they party hard! I thought Americans were pretty big with the 4th of July, but 17. mai is even bigger. Most everyone wears their bunads or festdrakts and if you don't, then you wear dresses and suits. You also eat tons of ice cream and hotdogs. They have barnetoget which is a parade of children and their schools. And you basically just party all day:). So by the end of the day on Friday, my comp and I were worn out! But it was so fun! Plus we had a miracles that day because one of our friends came to a bbq we had at Frogner's park and she asked why our name tags say "siste dagers hellige" (the Latter-Day Saints). Well we explained that and that led into the plan of salvation and then at one point we just asked her if she would us to teach her about our church since we've already told her a lot and guess what! She said yes!! Mirakler skjer! So we are now very excited to teach pur new friend:). 

We also met three new awesome people at språkkafé (language class) this week and ended up giving a Book of Mormon to one of them! Woot woot! Tell you what, it's times like these that just give you the strength to just keep going because people here in Norway aren't super interested in learning more about Jesus Christ and His church but the important part is that it's not everyone. There is the one who is just waiting for us to find them and they're the ones we do it all for. Christ always goes back for the one and so must we.

And speaking of Jesus Christ, I wanted to share some thoughts that I've been having through the week. I've been studying a lot on repentance and how we can come unto Christ. There is a talk by Elder Hamilton, "Then Will I Make Weak Things Become Strong", and it talks about a guy who works at a rehabilitation center and a critic told him, "You should know that leopards don’t change their spots!’ “Replied Warden Duffy, ‘You should know I don’t work with leopards. I work with men, and men change every day.’” "

At the beginning when God created everything, He said that it was good. But then when He created man, He said it was very good. He created us to look like Him for a reason. It was so we would energized be like Him. We are humans learning how to be more like Him, but we can't do it alone. We were never supposed to. Jesus Christ is the way, He suffered so we wouldn't have to. We aren't meant to be perfect because we need to learn and it is through Christ that we can. It is through His love that He guides us back home, we just have to let Him. Let Christ work that "mighty change" in your life. Love y'all and hope y'all have a great week!

Kia Kaha and just keep swimming:)

- Søster Twede 

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