Tuesday, April 23, 2024

"You take the [puff]. You put the [creme] on the [puff]." ⚾

Hei alle sammen!

I'm pretty sure I just wrote my last email yesterday but apparently a week has passed so here we are, woot woot! :) This week we're doing bullet point style because so much happened but due to "short term memory loss" I can't remember so let's see how this goes :).

- Språkkafe! (language class) A french couple that we had met a couple weeks back came and  as we were all trying to practice speaking norsk with each other, Søster Bell and I were asking how it has been coming to Norway and... (pause for effect...) they said "we just need God." Woot Woot! They are just amazing and are super open to meeting up again and we are planning on inviting them to church :).

- Bakekurs! (baking class) On Saturday we had a baking class and Søster Bell taught us how to make cream puffs and eclairs and it was so fun! We were able to meet some new people and invite them to more activities we have here at the institute center which was awesome! And then just to top it off, we went straight to a member meal in which I got to do a fun comprehension test as an older lady in the ward talked for a good solid portion of the meal. She talked about a number of different things that my comp and I are still not quite sure what they all were haha:).

- Sleepovers! Basically, we had a lot of sisters come to Oslo for splits with the sstl's (senior sister training leaders) this week and we got to host everyone:). So that was super fun!

Sorry I don't have a whole lot of time, but I was reading a talk by Joy D. Jones this week and there was a line that she said how when we lose ourselves in His work, that is where we find ourselves. I know that it's not always going to be easy and frankly it hasn't been, but I know that through Him I can find where I fit in this work and especially as a missionary in Norway. I know that through Jesus Christ we all have a place.

Kia Kaha and just keep swimming!

Søster Twede

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