Tuesday, April 30, 2024

"Singing in the rain" 🎵☔️


Greetings from Oslo:). Which speaking of Oslo, we got transfers this week and guess what! (drumroll...) I'm staying in Oslo! I am going to be losing Søster Bell which is super sad. She is the best! She's heading off to Stavanger and I'm going to be comps with Søster Gundersen who is awesome! I've met her a couple times and heard so many great things and am just super excited to serve with her in Oslo:).

This week we also had stake conference which was awesome! We got to hear from a return missionary and an absolutely beautiful musical number (Norwegian hymns are the best:)! We also had a referral come who had come to church before. We visited him and got to meet his family the day before and taught the first lesson:). He seemed to really enjoy it and is interested in learning more! Woot woot! 

Okay can I just say that I absolutely love the members here in Oslo! We got to go visit a few of them this week and it was just awesome :). We had a surprise dinner appointment with one of them and it was so fun. Another one we got to go on an hour drive (beautiful:) to help out with their yard. It did end up raining, but that doesn't really stop Norwegians, so we got a wee bit wet:). Afterwards we had some lunch and shared a message about miracles. It was so amazing to hear their testimonies of Christ. The members here in Norway are just amazing and are so strong and willing to help with anything. I was reading in the Come Follow Me chapters this week and  Mosiah 2:17, 24 stuck out to me. Verse 17 says that "when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God." And verse 24 says, "He doth require that ye should do as He hath commanded you; for which if ye do, He doth immediately bless you;" Is it easy to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints? Nope. But it is worth it. Everyone is a child of a loving Heavenly Father and it's sometimes really heartbreaking to know that so many don't remember that. There have been so many times where it has not been easy to get going with the day and serve, but one of the things that has kept me going is that very fact. The Lord has asked us to serve Him by serving those who need to remember. Remember their divine identity, a Child of God. Remember they have a Savior that suffered and died for them, and that they are loved more than they could ever know. I know that the Lord is going to ask us to do hard things but that we will receive those blessings "immediately" because we are serving Him. 

Hope you guys have a great week! Glad i dere!

Kia Kaha and just keep swimming:)

- Søster Twede 

Fun bakery visit with a member

Just thought the sign was funny:)

Told a lady I liked her glasses and she then gave them to me 

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