Tuesday, May 7, 2024

"Probably getting gorgeously tan in Summer!" ⛄️⛱️


I'd like to announce that this was the first week I was able to wear short sleeves outside. I even got a little sun to the point where I've got a farmer's tan starting haha. Yep, spring is here and summer is coming! Okay so this week can only be described in one way: roller coaster. Honestly, I feel like I say that every week but this week was a little bit more so and this is why.

- So initially Søster Bell was going to Stavanger and leaving on Friday. But then we found out that she was going to Tromsø and leaving on Thursday, so that was just crazy within itself.  I'm very sad to see Søster Bell leave, she is the best! You're going to be awesome in Tromsø!

- We got to do some fun last minute contacting on the streets of Oslo in which we found a lady who apparently was trying to have a better relationship with Jesus Christ! That was just amazing and we were also able to give her a Book of Mormon :).

- So my new companion, Søster Gundersen, didn't roll up til Saturday so I got to hang out with my buddy Søster Nartker! MTC gang back again :). That was just a party as we ran around Oslo (quite literally:). We actually got to teach a lesson to one of our friends who speaks Kinyarwanda. What was really cool is that we called in a sister missionary from Utah to help translate for us and it was so cool! We invited the sister to bear her testimony and it was amazing! They loved our message and are wanting to meet again so that was just an amazing miracle:). 

Splits with Sister Nartker

- Book of Mormon stand! Got to talk with a Ukrainian singing group through google translate. That was a fun experience haha:).- Got to also hang with Søster Jaynes for a day and that was super fun! Public transportation was not working for us that day, so we rode in a very very full bus. But we also had a lesson with a referral who said he would read the Book of Mormon this week, woot woot! :)

- Søster Gundersen! Let's just say that she's awesome and we're so excited for this transfer! She served in Bodø before but is now joining the Oslo gang and is ready to get going with the work, kjør på!

So yep this transfer I will be helping out Søster Gundersen since she'll be the district leader. I will also be leading out the area which honestly has kind of terrified me. In the midst of having many companions this week, I was starting to feel really overwhelmed and just didn't feel very adequate to lead out the area. It was starting to feel a little lonely and I was saying lots of prayers and just begging for peace and guidance on how I could best serve in Oslo. Then one morning during my personal study, I read Mosiah 7:33. "But if ye will turn to the Lord with full purpose of heart, and put your trust in him, and serve him with all diligence of mind, if ye do this, he will, according to his own will and pleasure, deliver you out of bondage."Obviously I'm not in bondage but absolute stress... yes. But what I love is that this verse helps me remember that I'm not perfect, but Christ is and so is His plan. All I have to do is give my all to Him every second I get and no matter what happens or doesn't happen it will all turn out how it needs to. He's got our back, we just need to trust Him. Love you all and hope you all have a great week :). 

Kia Kaha and just keep swimming:)

- Søster Twede

Studies at the park

Crazy mirrors

Pday at the beach

Pday at the beach

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