Tuesday, March 26, 2024

"HI, I'm Dory" 🐠

 Hei hei alle sammen!

Yep! Another crazy but fun week so let's get started!

This week I got to meet a lot of people between just talking to people in public, our Taco night (so fun!), Book of Mormon stand (I felt so much like a salesperson), and through a few fikas we had this week. And just a quick explanation: I don't know what it's like in other missions but in Norway we actually introduce ourselves with our first names in public because it's really weird to say "Søster" or "Eldste" with the culture. We really only use those titles with other missionaries or in church settings. So with meeting a lot of new people, I used my first name a lot which does sometimes feel a little weird, but kind of fun. 

But Søster Bell and I got to meet a lady who is so cool! She's originally from Cuba, but has lived in Norway for a while. We got to talk to her about what we do as missionaries and the more we talked to her, the more we learned that she has a lot of the same values as we do in the church and just tries to stay focused on Christ! Woot woot! So crossing our fingers that we can meet with her again and possibly start teaching her:). 

This week I've been studying and thinking about our relationship with Christ and prayer. In "Secret Prayer" is says, "That this boon to mortals given, May unite my soul with heaven." I think we often forget how thin the veil is. So far in my mission I have had multiple experiences that have shown me that we have angels walking right next to us. In "A Child's Prayer" it says "some say that heaven is far away, but I feel it close around me as I pray." Prayer has for a long time been very special to me. I know that it is our way to communicate with our loving Heavenly Father and allows us to feel heaven and angels surrounding us. And I know that we can come to know our Savior,  Jesus Christ, is right next us as well. He loves us to much to leave us and is ready to help us if we just let Him. I know that through Christ we can come to experience the powers of heaven in our individual lives. Hope you all have an amazing Easter! God PĂĽske!

Kia Kaha and just keep swimming!

- Søster Twede

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