Tuesday, March 19, 2024

"Here comes the [snow] do do do do" 🎵

 Hei alle sammen! 

Tell you what, it's been kind of funny to hear about other places getting warm and nice when I look outside and the rain/snow/sleet is coming down and the wind is blowing to the point where there's no point in doing your hair in the morning . But that's okay! I mean I do like the cold and on Sunday my comp and I got to shovel snow outside the church in our Sunday clothes (and no I was not wearing boots so that was fun:). Luckily it was sunny and it ended up being really fun :). 

Anyways, we had an awesome lesson this week with one of our friends! She is amazing! We taught her the rest of the plan of Salvation and oh my goodness... the Spirit was so strong! My comp and I both got to bear our testimonies and you could just tell that she could feel something and that she was ready to learn more. So we are really praying for her and hoping that she continues to progress with the lessons:). 

We also had transfers come out this week and guess what! Yep, Søster Bell and I are staying in Oslo, woot woot! This transfer went by so fast and now I'm half way done with training so we'll see how the other half goes.

Okay so this week I started to study the Consecrated Missionary talk which is amazing! The last little bit I've been trying to really focus on obedience and how we can have our will "swallowed up" in the Lord's will. There is a quote (I can't remember where from): "Obedience brings blessings but exact obedience brings miracles". In Alma 57:21, it talks how the 2,000 stripling warriors followed each command with exactness. In the mission, we have a video of all the miracles that have happened in Norway in the last six months and it's just been a testimony to me to know that obedience truly brings blessings. Yes, it is not always easy and convenient, but neither was the atonement that Christ suffered for us. I know that when we not only choose to follow Christ, but follow Him with exactness, we will experience blessings and miracles in our lives. Hope you all have a fantastic week!

Kia Kaha and just keep swimming:)!

- Søster Twede

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