Tuesday, April 2, 2024

God Påske!

Hei alle sammen!

God påske! Happy Easter! So just a little explanation on what happens on Easter in Norway:

- Easter break lasts from Thursday to Monday and basically all the stores are closed except for a few hours on Friday and Saturday. Lots of people like to go out of town to warmer weather and/or just stay at home and be with family. So walking on the Oslo streets this week was kind of weird because there was hardly anyone out and it was so quiet.

- kvikk lunsj! Basically a better version of Kit Kats and they are always on sale because people eat them like crazy at Easter time. People also like to have oranges and solo (another kind of soda).

- Påskekrim! 👻 So apparently crime stories are really popular during Easter. Do I entirely know why? Nope, but you know maybe by next year we'll have found out more. But yes, people buy lots of crime novels and enjoy a cold mystery to celebrate Easter 🐣 🕵‍♂️.

And that is Easter in Norway! As for the week it was a bit more chill because of Easter. I unfortunately got sick on Saturday and so my comp and I were stuck in the apartment all day but no worries I am feeling much better now (I just can't eat pb&js for a little while which is kind of sad). But Sunday was great because we had church and then held an Easter dinner! We had an egg hunt for the kids and then also for the adults which was so fun to watch 😂 (I don't think I've ever seen adults so excited for an Easter egg hunt:).

Easter though is one of my favorite times of the year. Throughout the week I've tried to study more and more on Jesus Christ and His atonement. One of the things that I have come to have a greater testimony of is that hope is never lost because of Jesus Christ. He did what was unexpected so we could expect miracles when it seems like they are impossible. We just have to remember to have faith in Him and just believe that He can do the impossible. Please just trust Him. He knows what it feels like to feel alone, hopeless, and lost. But it is because of Him that we can have hope for the future. Because of Him ALL is possible.

I hope you guys have a great week!

Kia Kaha and just keep swimming 

- Søster Twede  

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