Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Where's my hammer?⚡

 Hei alle sammen!

So this week was super busy! We did a lot and had some exciting stuff happen, so we're just going to get into it. We had a baptism!! His name is Tony and it was one of the Elder's friends and he got baptized on Saturday and it was awesome! Søster Bell and I also had one of our friends come to church on Sunday. Her name is Iselin and she has been taking lessons and has been really liking the idea that we have a prophet and leader that help guide us today. So we will see how lessons continue with her :). Yesterday we did some street contacting and we had a little miracle:). We went to serve this guy that needed help with picking up food for him but unfortunately we couldn't pick up the food, BUT we ended up running into a woman when we were there. She was soooo nice and was super open to meeting up with us again to get to know her better, woot woot!

As for language, I am starting to understand a little more and speak a little more (progress:). I'm still doing really well at smiling and waving but you know that's just how it is :).

We also had a mission conference and that was super fun to see my mtc buddies again :) and also to meet more people from the mission. Elder Phillips came and spoke to us and it was really cool! One of the things that he talked about that really stuck out to me was about how we can't just do things because that's just how things were done. The way we do missionary work is much different now. I know I've kind of had a hard time doing a lot of Facebook work, but I've been praying to try and have a better attitude towards it so I can better appreciate it. This helped me realize that we need to always remember why we do things. One of the goals we have as members is to help bring the light and love of Christ into people's lives. Many times it's not going to be easy, but we just need to trust in Him. He will give us strength and we will see that it was all worth it. Maybe not now but in the long run absolutely. 

Hope everyone is doing well and keep me updated!

Kia Kaha and just keep swimming!

Søster Twede :)

(Also in the pics, that is unfortunately not Thor's hammer but it was still pretty cool)

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