Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Eskimos, igloos, penguins and ICE?!

 Hei alle sammen!

To start out this week we had "first transfer" training which was super fun. I got to see my mtc buddies again which is always a good time :). We got to take some pics at the palace and then learned a ton of information that I can't say I remember haha. Then again... short term memory loss. But we will learn it eventually :).

I also got to do splits this week with Søster Tessem! It was so much fun! We got to help out with språkkafé (language café) and played some soccer. One of the things I learned this week is that there is a reason why I swam and played tennis. I can not play soccer but it's okay because on our way to soccer we had fun trying to walk on ice:). If any of you have seen Cool Runnings, the part where the team is trying to learn how to walk/run on ice... yep that was me haha. Basically trying to walk down a hill of ice with shoes that have no traction... it's a fun experience . Also I was able to talk to someone on the subway on my own in norsk! Conversation wasn't very long but guess what... progress:).

This week I started to read through and study hymns,  particularly sacrament hymns. I think hymns have a special way of saying something so simple but with it having such a powerful meaning. One hymn in particular I read was "Thy Will, O Lord, Be Done" (I invite you all to go and read it). I love how it says that "the king of kings left worlds of light... he counted his own will but naught, and said,  Thy Will,  O Lord,  Be Done." I think it's so important to remember how much the Savior sacrificed (his home, comfort, security, etc.) to come down to earth. And then saw His own desires/will as something not important. It was the Father's will that He wanted and was willing to follow and because of His willingness, humility, and love He gave the biggest sacrifice that ever could be. How willing are we to put the Father's will first as Christ did? It's never going to be easy, it wasn't supposed to be, but we can find strength through our Savior. 

I hope you guys all have a great week! Keep me updated!

Kia Kaha and just keep swimming!

- Søster Twede :)

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