Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Adventure is out there!! 🎈🏠

 Hei hei alle sammen!

Quote of the week that pretty much summed it all up: "It's an adventure being Søster Bell's companion." 

SO, as you can probably guess, this week was quite the adventure so now I will give you the run down:

This week we were very busy! Which is great because it keeps us out of trouble, haha. We unfortunately had quite a few cancelations for lessons this week, but we are trying get more lined up for this week and praying that they work out :). We did though get to teach a couple lessons, one of them was on Monday with a lady and it was super cool! We talked about the plan of salvation and how we have a loving Heavenly Father. 

We got to help with yoga night, institute, and ukulele night this week which was also very fun. At institute I was kind of lost because it was all in Norwegian and they spoke really fast. That was until a guy wrote: Tro (faith) = håp (hope) × handler (actions) ÷ prøvelser (trials). I thought MATH, now that I understand, haha. Not sure if the logic behind the equation makes sense but in the words of Darren Twede, "It all goes back to math." :)

As for the language... this week I had a 15 min conversation with a lady on the t-bane (subway)! Public transportation has definitely been very helpful when finding opportunities to talk with people. I can't say that every day is great, but I will take the wins where I can:).

On Sunday right before church started, a lady came bursting in and started yelling at the bishop. Luckily, I could not understand all that she said but definitely did not help with the inviting the Spirit into the meeting. However, bishop then gave an amazing testimony and the meeting ended up being filled with the Spirit. Don't ever underestimate the power of your testimony. And then we sang Come, Come Ye Saints which just made it all even better.

Okay, so there was an experience that I had this week that I want to tie into my spiritual thought. First one: Saturday we went and tried visiting inactive members with our senior missionary couple, the Osburns, and we met a young single adult that loved the church but had some questions regarding some heavy topics. At the end we knelt down in his very tiny apartment and said a prayer. For those of you who don't know, I don't really cry hardly ever, but there was something about that prayer touched me in a way that made me realize that love is one of the most powerful things we could have. Love is the reason our  Heavenly Father gave His son. Love is why Christ chose to suffer, die, and sacrifice himself for us. When Christ was in the garden of Gethsemane, He asked if there was possibly another way to pay the price. He was scared, but it was His love for us that gave Him the strength to endure that incomprehensible amount of pain. He went willingly, humbly, and most importantly, lovingly. I know that even when life may seem restless and conflicting, we can find peace and comfort through the love of our Savior and as we choose to love as He did, we can witness miracles in our lives.

Kia Kaha and just keep swimming!

- Søster Twede :)

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