Tuesday, September 3, 2024

"The unexpected play at the unexpected time." ⚾️

 Heisann alle sammen!

Not much to say other than holy cow! What a week! So let's just get going🤠

- This week we took another (and our last) road trip with the Bjerkøes up to Namsos. The Bjerkøes' last day was on Sunday so we drove with them up to Namsos to say goodbye to some members. Let me just say it was absolutely incredible to see the impact that they have had here in Norway. When they do something, they give it their all and they care so much for the people here you cannot even put words to it. So it was fun to visit and really sad to see them say goodbye. But, they are excited for what they have ahead now:). Love and miss you guys tons! 

- We also got to meet up with a girl from Stavanger who was visiting Trondheim for a bit and she is so cool! She is very religious and likes learning about other churches so we had a little bible study with her and then gave her a Book of Mormon which was awesome! She also came to church right before she went back to Stavanger which was so fun and now she's wanting to go to church there too! Woot woot!

- Now, this week we also had a very pleasant unexpected surprise. On Wednesday we had our bible study class which was awesome! And then we had our young adult dinner right after which was also just so great! Several of our friends came to both and they had such a good time. Now after the dinner and right as Søster Schneck and I got home, we got a text from one of our friends who had been at both activities that evening and guess what... (pause for effect)... she said that she wanted to get baptized!!! Woot woot!!! Det skjer mirakler!!! It was so cool and then through the week we've been able to meet with her and she came to church on Sunday and is just so excited and so ready and we are just really really happy for her right now:). 

There is a quote by President Benson that says, "Truly, faith is the power that enables the unlikely to accomplish the impossible." Now with our friend that wants to get baptized, I'm going to be honest, I did not expect that at all. She didn't know a whole lot and hadn't been progressing very much. So, when we got that text we were very surprised. There have definitely been quite a few times on my mission where the miracle I receive is definitely not the one I was looking for and definitely not when I expected (hence "the unexpected play at the unexpected time" from The Perfect Game:). However, that is why it is so important to not only have faith, but to show it at ALL times. You never know when someone is going to be ready, you never know when the timing is going to be right, you never know where the right place is going to be, etc. But we continue to just do what we know is right and expect miracles. That is when the smallest amount of faith makes all the difference. Faith in Christ is what changes it from impossible to possible. 

Hope you all have a great week! Glad i dere!

Kia Kaha and just keep swimming:)

- Søster Twede


Volleyball Activity

Drive to Namsos (I love Norway!)

Road Trip to Namsos

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