Monday, October 7, 2024

"I don't like carrots" 🥕

 Hei alle sammen!

Transfers! So kind of crazy, Søster Schneck is heading up to Alta! The last two transfers have flown by and we have had so much fun :). I going to miss Søster Schneck so much, but I know that she will be amazing up north:). As for my new comp, I am going to be reunited with my lovely mtc comp! Yep, Søster Nartker is coming to Trondheim! This transfer will be quite the party haha:). But with that being said, here's how the week went!

- Visited the farm again this week! This time we got to pick carrots and it was so fun! The Hegdal family is the best!

- This week we had a first lesson with a lady that Søster Schneck found on facebook! She has friends who are members in Bergen and decided that she wanted to learn more about what we believe in. So we met up with her and ended up giving her a Book of Mormon! We're hoping to meet up with her again and see where things go :).

-Another trip to Oslo! Yes. I don't know how many flights I have been since coming to Norway but let's just say it's been a lot haha:). Anyways, we had an in person meeting in Oslo so we flew down there Wednesday morning, had the meeting, and flew back to Trondheim that night. Don't we love traveling :). But it was super fun to see the other missionaries, especially my two old comps Søster Bell and Søster Gundersen :)! Sadly, I also had to say goodbye to Søster Bell since that was the last time I would see her before she went home (Glad i deg! :). 

- We had such a great lesson with two of our newly baptized members and it was so fun! I just love those two girls! Every time Søster Schneck and I see them, afterwards we are always just saying how cool they are and how much we love them :). They have been such huge examples to me of having so much faith and willingness to follow Christ. 

-General Conference! Saturday morning session/evening session Norway time we got to join with the other missionaries and the young adults in the ward over at the Purcells apartment and it was so fun! We had a delicious dinner before and then watched conference :). 

Speaking of General Conference, one of my favorite talks given was during that Saturday morning session. It was by Elder Karl D Hirst and he talked a lot about the love of God and the power it has in our lives. I came to conference with a lot of concerns, questions, and just a lot of things on my mind and felt that this talk really helped answer some of those. I loved the part when he said to take a step back and keep taking a step back until you can see the stars and realize the magnificence and power of Him who created it all. For those who don't know, I love space! This reminded me of an experience that I had when my family went camping at Capitol Reef. It has one of the darkest skies in the world and so one night we went stargazing and it was incredible. None of us spoke and if we did, it was a whisper. At first we wondered why we whispered, but then we realized that it was because of how grand and sacred that moment was. It was a testament of the power and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Yes, it was the darkest sky, but the light of stars millions of light years away pierced through it all. That is what love of Jesus Christ does. His light is infinite and reaches us in our darkest moments to give us peace and strength. 

Kjempe glad i dere! Hope y'all have a great week!

Kia Kaha and just keep swimming :)

- Søster Twede

The Farm:)

Hiking Group

Sister Bell

Hiking Group

Post Sunday General Conference Party