Wednesday, January 31, 2024

"One [week] more!" 🎶

 Hei alle sammen!

So this week wasn't super exciting. I feel like the days are all kind of blurring together haha. But this week we were able to make more progress in the language! Woot woot! (maybe not a ton of progress but nevertheless progress:) So my district and I have become really good friends with the Danish and Swedish district which has been so fun because their languages are super similar to Norwegian. This week the Danish did their SYL (Speak Your Language) week and so it was really fun being able to mostly understand their Danish and then also speak to them in Norwegian. My district and I are now more excited for SYL week this week :).

Lesson learned this week that when you are sleeping on the bottom bed of a bunk bed, make sure to duck your head enough so you don't have to experience pain on your noggin. (yes this did happen, and sadly it had to happen twice for me to learn this lesson sufficiently:).

This week I feel like we talked and heard a lot about repentance which doesn't always have the most positive feeling to it but this week helped me know that it is truly a blessing. Repentance isn't the lock and chains that bind us,  it is the key that frees us and Christ is our deliverer. Mosiah 14:5 says,  "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed." I know that His gospel is a message of good news and that repentance is a gift. I know that Christ suffered for us because He loves us and that through Him we can be cleansed.  Hope you all are doing amazing!

Just keep swimming! Kia Kaha!

Søster Twede

Cute Comps!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Need More Chocolate!

 Hei alle sammen!

This week was kind of crazy so we're just going to jump right in! 

This week we've continued our studies in Norwegian and let's just say... there's progress! My comp and I taught our second lesson in norsk this week and we made it through! La oss gå! We also have been starting to work more on grammar, tones, pronunciation, etc this week which has been a little overwhelming but we're just taking it one day at a time :).

On the more fun side of things, my district and I learned a lot more about the food in Norway this week! Apparently, the chocolate is amazing and as I quote my teacher, "When Norway decides to do something, they do it right." So now my district and I are super excited to try the food in Norway! However, now the MTC food is becoming less appealing (not like it was in the first place) but that's okay because t-minus 2 weeks til we're off to Norge! Woot woot!

So, this week we had Bishop Causse come and speak to us and it was amazing! He shared a lot about instead of focusing so much on the language, and to focus more on learning how to speak the language of the Spirit and allow yourself to have more experiences with Jesus Christ and His Atonement. He said that when we first learn the language of the Spirit and allow Jesus Christ and His Atonement to work within our lives, the language will come. 

"God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called." -unknown

At the end, Bishop Causse played an arrangement of Come, Come, Ye Saints on the piano and it was amazing! While he played it, I read through the lyrics and I invite you all to read through them because hymns are truly amazing and the wording is very powerful. I know that if we remember to keep the focus on Christ we will be blessed and everything will work out.

I hope you all are doing great! Keep me updated!

Kia Kaha! Just Keep Swimming!

Søster Twede

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

What do we do?? JUST KEEP SWIMMING! 🐠

 Hei alle sammen!

Hope you all are doing great! This week we started language immersion with Norwegian and that has been quite the ride. The first day was actually not too bad. Since then, it has had its moments where everything is going in one ear and out the other. Buuuut, it has been getting better slowly but surely and my comp and I got to teach our first Norwegian lesson which turned out pretty well (didn't really know what the person said a good chunk of it but the spirit was there so we'll count that as a win:). 

So this week we had Elder Bassett come and speak to us on Tuesday and that was amazing! He didn't have anything prepared and just went by the Spirit and tell you what, the Spirit was definitely there! He talked a lot about just relying on Christ and remembering how Him and our Heavenly Father sacrificed so much because they loved us so much. When we have to make sacrifices to follow Christ we have to ask ourselves: Is a sacrifice a sacrifice or is it a privilege? Remember that you are never alone and that when there's no one else, nothing else, and nowhere else to turn to, Jesus Christ is right there ready to help us carry our burdens. He is the one that gives the comfort and strength. Him and our Father in Heaven love us and are cheering for us every single step of the way. 

2 Nephi 31:20

"Wherefore, ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and of all men. Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, feasting upon the word of Christ, and endure to the end, behold, thus saith the Father: Ye shall have eternal life."

Hope you are all doing well! Keep me updated! Love y'all!

Kia Kaha! Just Keep Swimming!

Søster Twede

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Do you want to build a snowmaaaaannnn?? ❄️

Hei alle sammen!

I have now completed my first two weeks of MTC and it's been quite the ride so let's get going!

My first week was online and that was just 6+ hours of zoom calls everyday, but now I'm at the provo mtc and am having a blast! My comp is awesome! We have had lots of fun getting to know each other and have had lots and lots of laughs. It's been so fun getting to know my district! We've been able to really help each other out with adjusting to missionary life and so that's been such a blessing.

The comps

The district
So I would like to share a quote each week on one of the main things I learned, and this week's is:

"The joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives." - President Russell M. Nelson 

To be honest, the beginning of the week was kind of overwhelming and there have been times where I got really worried about lessons, the language, etc. But there was one night where I prayed to Heavenly Father to just give me peace and guidance. Then that was when I woke up the next morning and realized I hadn't even been there a week and still had time to get the hang of things 😂. But in a discussion I had with my district I remembered that joy is not the same as happiness and that we can have joy even in the hardest of times as long as we look to and focus on Christ. When it rains on us (or snows in this case, refer to pictures:) we are going to get drenched no matter what so it's our choice whether or not to sulk and be sad or dance and have joy and remember that flowers can't grow without the rain. 

I know that Jesus Christ loves us and is very mindful of us and I know that if we focus on Him we can find joy in any situation.

Kia haha! Just keep swimming!

Søster Twede
Stacking challenge

Nap time